Wednesday, November 15, 2006

All I remember is that I was walking around the labyrinthine grounds at work with my team and all of a sudden a dog popped out of one of the meeting rooms. Discussion immediately ensued as to what to do, and nothing was happening, so I picked up a leash that I noticed hanging from its collar. Immediately, people starting saying "Oh, it has a leash! Well, that changes everything, now we should ..." I started walking the dog toward the information desk, and eventually people noticed I was taking care of it without discussion, and just fell silent.

Later on I noticed that the leash was actually a brace leash (a kind of leash used to walk two dogs close to each other) and that the other animal on it was a tabby cat. It was a very attentive, perky, doggishly-acting tabby cat, but it was still a cat. We went walking about the city and other stuff started happening that I don't remember, but at one point, I noticed that the dog and cat were no longer there, and I became frantic and woke up. Upon waking and being foggy, the realization set in that since the dog and cat were a dream and didn't actually exist, it wasn't that I had lost them and they'd gone off on their own, it was that because I didn't sustain focus, they actually failed to exist. This was devastating for about fifteen minutes.


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